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Watch this brief video to learn more! 


What is a comprehensive plan and why should it matter to me?

At its core, a comprehensive plan is a vision for the future at a community scale. Comprehensive plans are created by and for the community to record shared goals and desires for themselves and their fellow community members.


A comprehensive plan examines what a community is, where it came from, and crafts a coordinated road map for the next 10 to 20 years and can be revisited to ensure its relevance. 


What's the timeline?

Project phases



JUN    JUL     AUG     SEP    OCT     NOV     DEC    JAN     FEB     MAR     APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG 


Public engagement

Concept planning/design

Plan refinement

Project Goals

How will we develop the plan?

Understand and evaluate the county's current state and composition

Clay County's biggest challenges and assets

Host discussions and work together to identify Clay County's vision

Develop opportunities for land uses, economic development strategies, and transportation improvements

Provide recommendations that equip Clay County to achieve its vision

Opportunities to share your thoughts

Public Survey Results

The County received 728 responses to the public survey. Thank you to everyone who took the time to take the survey!

Pop-Up Events

These Events Have Been Completed



Public Open Houses

Two in-person and two virtual public open houses will be held during the planning process. Everyone is welcome to attend! Please note that content covered at the in-person public open houses will be the same information that is covered via the first virtual public open house. 


Sign up for email and text updates to be reminded of the following dates and times. 


In-Person Public Open Houses

December 6, 2023

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 

Excelsior Springs Community Center 

(500 Tiger Drive)


December 7, 2023

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 

Gladstone Community Center 

(6901 North Holmes Street)


First Virtual Public Open House

The virtual public open house is now closed.​


Sign up for project alerts

Get Involved

How can I get involved?

Your input in this planning process is essential in shaping the vision for Clay County. Engage with this process, both in-person and online. Learn how to engage with this process below.


Project Downloads

Click below to view the Final Draft Comprehensive Plan 

Questions or Comments?

Kipp Jones

Planning and Zoning Director

Clay County, Missouri​

Thanks for reaching out!

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